  • Development of an Indian Protocol on the management of organophosphate and carbamate poisoning that will be published and distributed to all major hospitals across the country. The Conference will have a Core Committee constituted for this purpose, comprising a select group of experts drawn from various fields.
  • Invited lectures on current trends in the diagnosis, first aid, and hospital management of organophosphate and carbamate poisoning.
  • Demonstration workshop on identification of common Indian brands of pesticides.
  • Interactive Session with experts
  • Scientific Paper Session: 40 Papers & 10 Posters only (strictly on merit). There will 3 awards sponsored by the IST: Best Paper Award (Junior Faculty), Best Paper Award (Senior Faculty) & Best Poster Award. Each award carries with it a citation and Rs.1000/- in cash. All papers/posters must be related to the broad theme of the conference (pesticide poisoning).
  • State-of-the-art conference hall with all audiovisual aids, excellent food and beverages, and a grand banquet with cocktails. Accommodation and sight seeing (post-conference only) will be arranged on prior request.