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TOXOCON-4 is dedicated to the development of an effective curriculum in medical toxicology by consensus among forensic specialists, clinicians, and pharmacologists, which will be subsequently communicated to the Medical Council of India.


The one-day Floating Houseboat Conference on 06 Jan 2008 will be the first of its kind ever held in India. As is customary with conferences organized by the Indian Society of Toxicology, TOXOCON-4 will also be a no-frills program packed with structured lectures, paper presentations, and discussions. The focus will be strictly on academics with no extraneous distractions. Participation will be restricted to 50 participants drawn from forensic medicine, internal medicine, pharmacology, and general toxicology, with credentials in any area of toxicology by way of publications, research work, or special training.


Development of Curriculum (UG & PG) in Medical Toxicology


Eminent national and international experts will speak on latest concepts in the diagnosis and management of poisoning, forensic issues, and laboratory procedures in toxicological research, which must be included in the proposed curriculum at UG & PG levels.


A total of 15 papers will be accepted for presentation with one Best Paper Award, which carries a prize money of Rs.1000/- and a citation. There will also be a Poster Session with a maximum of 8 entries. A Best Poster Award is also instituted (Rs.750/- and a citation)

Organizing Committee

Organizing Secretary:

Dr. V.V. Pillay
Chief, Poison Control Centre & Head, Analytical Toxicology,AIMS, Cochin

Jt. Organizing Secretary:

Mr. R.R. Rajesh, Research Officer, Analytical Toxicology, AIMS, Cochin

Organizing Committee Members:

Ms. S.L. Arathy
Ms. J.C. Selsa
Ms. A.C. Sobha
Mr. Subin Joy
Mr. Sam Peter
Mr. V.V. Jojo
Mr. S. Jayakanth