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Dean GMC Dr. Jindal Opens the Scientific Sessions

Dr. Ken Winkel Being Welcomed

Lamp Lighting

Dignitaries on the Dais

Key Note Speaker-Dr. Ken Winkel in Action

Dr. Michelin in Action

Mr. Philip Robinson Speaks

GMC Dean Dr. Jindal and Org Sec. Dr. Sapeco at the Valediction

Dr. Pillay Makes his Presentation

Dr. Pillay Announces Dr. Nagendra as Prize Winner in TOXIQUIZ-2013

Dr. Pannag Kumar Walks Away with the Best Paper Prize

Dr. Rataboli-Master of Ceremonies

Dr. Rodrigues Proposes Vote of Thanks

A Section of the Audience

Lunch Time

And the Boat is off to the High Seas

Banquet on the Boat Begins

Dancing at the Banquet

Dr. Naqvi Inaugurates TOXOCON-7 on the Boat Cruise

Dr. Madhu The Prime Mover of TOXOCON-7 Speaks

Dr. Pillay Bids Adieu as President of IST

Dr. Pillay-Outgoing President Welcomes Dr. Sapeco-Incoming President

Dr. Sapeco - The New IST President Speaks